1. Jynweythek (Aphex Twin)play button
2. Das Model (Kraftwerk) play button
3. Pleasure Is All Mine (Bjork)play button
4. Psyché Rock (M. Colombier, P. Henry, R. Berry)play button
5. Yulquen (Autechre)play button
6. Light (Goldmund)play button
7. Fahrenheit Fair Enough (Telefon Tel Aviv)play button
8. Noon (Alva Noto, Ryuichi Sakamoto)play button


Rossano Baldini (piano, sound design), Gianluca Petrella (trombone), Pierpaolo Ranieri (electric bass, effects), Michele Rabbia (percussions, drums, electronics)

In “Six Memos For The Next Millennium”, Italo Calvino defines Lightness as one of the fundamental features of writing. Lightness, interpreted as the control of weight, in opposition to superficiality. Agile, light as Perseus, the Greek mythological figure who flew with winged sandals. Lightness is liberation from the heaviness, from the inertia, from the opacity of the world, the ultimate goal of a writer and maybe of any artist. With this spirit “Light” was born.
The initial idea of the album has been to take songs from the electronic music repertoire which I loved and play them in real time with other musicians improvisers. For this reason, the recording sessions were priceless thanks to the artists involved in the project, eclectic musicians with a heterogeneous language which is founded on a great freedom. Of thought, vision and style. The spirit of the record was to subtract, extract, remove weight. A little Autechre’s melodic line or an Alva Noto’s rhythmic impulse served as raw material to sculpt in real time, as a beginning of a polyphonic dialogue. No musician knew what would happen in the studio or which form the songs to be recorded would take. The music sheets had been reduced to the bare essentials, as well as those few and honest starting ideas were, almost all, gently subverted.
Light is the testimony of those recording days at the Revolver Studios in Rome between Rossano Baldini, Pierpaolo Ranieri, Michele Rabbia and Gianluca Petrella. – Rossano Baldini